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분류> 어문학> 영어영문학

(개정증보3판) Teaching English

  • · 저자 김인옥
  • · 발행일 2023-04-03
  • · ISBN 978-89-42-8654-1 (93740)
  • · 페이지수 160쪽
  • · 판형 188*257
  • · 정가 15,000원
  • · 도서상태 판매예정

도서 상세보기

Before we start the journey of teaching English to children, let us think about a fundamental issue. Why should a child learn a foreign language which takes so much time, energy, and cost in the learning process? Why do we teach elementary school children English when they have a lot of work to do in Korean? These are the questions that have been debated for many years in Korea and elsewhere. An answer can be found in a simple comparison. We need to learn English for the same reason as we need to learn the computer skill to live in the modern world (a majority part of the world, if not everywhere). People use the Internet to access resources and use computer programs to write reports or letters and to do business. Just as computer use has become an everyday activity, foreign language skill is another necessary tool for people to live in this interconnected world. Nowadays it is hard to find a product that is made of the materials and labor solely from one’s own country. Interconnection of the world is becoming deeper and broader, and people from different countries communicate with each other mostly in English. Thus by teaching children English we are helping them to be better equipped to live in the ‘global village’.

Another reason for a child to learn English is that learning a foreign language can facilitate a child’s cognitive and personality development. Studies have shown that learning a foreign language helps children develop their comprehension and social skills. Also, a child who has been exposed to a different language and culture has a greater possibility of developing open, acceptable, and understanding attitudes towards other people and cultures. Lastly, the physical and mental flexibility of childhood is a wonderful advantage for learning another language efficiently. Children’s speech organs and egos are much more flexible than adults’: Children are at the best stage of life for learning English.

This book is designed to provide pre-service/in-service English teachers with a theoretical background and practical ideas for teaching English to children. The approaches and activities presented in this book intend to tap into children’s strengths and weaknesses as young language learners. Children love fun, adventure and imagination, and at the same time they are spontaneous with a limited attention span. This book deals with children’s characteristics as language learners, methods of teaching language skills, assessment,
class management, planning, and materials.

In-Ok Kim

저자 소개

숭실대학교 영어영문학과 졸업
미국 Whitworth University 영어교육학 석사
미국 New York University 영어교육학 박사
현) 춘천교육대학교 영어교육과 교수

<주요 저서>
「초등영어 지도방법」 (공저)
「Research Methods in Second Language Teaching and Learning」
「활동으로 익히는 교실영어」 (공저)
「멀티미디어 활용 영어교육」 (공저)

「어린이 영어교육 - 듣기에서 문법까지」
「How to teach English」


Chapter 1 Children as Language Learners

1. Jean Piaget(1896~1980) / 11

2. Lev Vygotsky(1986~1934) / 13

3. Jerome Bruner(1915~) / 14

4. Characteristics of Young Language Learners / 16

Now it’s your turn / 18

Chapter 2 Teaching Listening

1. Division of Language Skills / 19

2. Listening Comprehension / 20

3. Process of Listening / 20

4. Types of Listening Exercises / 21

5. Instructional Steps of Listening / 22

6. Listening Activities for Children / 23

Now it’s your turn / 29

Chapter 3 Teaching Speaking

1. Theoretical Issues / 30

2. Five Step Lesson Model / 32

3. Speaking Activities for Children / 40

Now it’s your turn / 46

Chapter 4 Teaching Reading

1. Theoretical Background / 47

2. Approaches to Teaching Reading / 49

3. Teaching Reading Skills to Children / 51

4. Reading Materials for Children / 56

Now it’s your turn / 57

Chapter 5 Teaching Writing

1. Theoretical Background / 59

2. Teaching Writing Skills to Children / 61

3.Writing Activities for Children / 64

Now it’s your turn / 73

Chapter 6 Integrating the Four Language Skills

1. Content-based Instruction / 74

2. Topic-based Instruction / 75

3. Task-based Instruction (TBI) / 80

Now it’s your turn / 85

Chapter 7 Assessment

1. Evaluation, Assessment, and Testing / 86

2.Why Assess Young Learners? / 86

3. How Do We Assess Young Learners? / 87

4. Practice of Assessment / 88

Now it’s your turn / 95

Chapter 8 The Learning Environment and Classroom Management

1. Physical Surroundings of the Classroom / 96

2. Seating Arrangement / 98

3. Grouping Student / 99

4. Teaching Under Adverse Circumstances / 100

5. Points to Consider When Planning a Lesson / 101

Now it’s your turn / 105

Chapter 9 Lesson Planning

1.Why Is Planning Important? / 106

2. Three Stages of Planning / 107

3. Format of a Lesson Plan / 108

Now it’s your turn / 111

Chapter 10 Teaching and Learning Materials

1. Choosing a Textbook / 112

2. How to Use a Textbook / 112

3. Supplementary Books / 113

4. Worksheets and Workbook / 113

5. Flash Cards and Pictures / 114

6. A Pocket Chart / 114

7. Mascots and Puppets / 115

8. Technical Materials / 116

Chapter 11 Team Teaching

1. Advantages of Team Teaching / 117

2. Team Teaching Principles / 117

3. Team Teaching Models / 118

4. How to Plan Team Teaching / 119

5. Individual Roles of KET and NET in Teaching a unit / 120


Appendix A / 123

Appendix B / 124

ESL / EFL Web Sites / 132

Flipped Learning Procedures / 133

영어과 교육과정 (2022 개정) / 143

References / 153

Index / 156